Face pack with banana

Banana is one of healthy fruit that probably seen  in many countries in any season.it is also called Botox because it is rich in nutrients.it has came from ancient times because it has multiple positive effects on our body.it is useful for both skin and hair.it is useful to hydrate your skin because it is rich in potassium moisture so that it helps the skin  to be soft and also it controls excess oil on skin and promotes clear glowing skin, helps to cure wrinkles,age spots,for acne and pimples,for moles and dark spots.it also helpful for straight hair,to restore your damaged hair,to prevent hair loss and for healthy hair.

Face pack of banana:

  • take 1 or 2 bananas and mash them properly and add honey in it and make a face pack by applying it for 30 min on your skin and then wash with cold water.by this u can feel softness of your skin.
  • if you add pinch of turmeric powder to that mashed banana and honey in affected area directly it will be helpful for acne and pimples 
  • make a pack of mashed banana,honey and lemon juice and apply it on skin for 30 min and wash with Luke warm water

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