Hair mask for dry and damaged hair

This  mask is helpful  for dry and damaged  hair and also for hair growth very fast.This act like a conditioner to hair.For this mask you need


mayonnaise        -1 cup
honey                -1 tbsp
aloe Vera gel      -2 tbsp
banana               -1 only
caster-oil            -1 tbsp
almond oil          -1 tbsp
tea tree oil          -1/4 tbsp
egg yolk             -1 egg


  1. Take a bowl and add all the above ingredients and mix thoroughly and make hair into 2 partitions and apply to hair  and left for 1 hour if it is summer or 45 min in winter.

olive oil

olive oil is very good for damaged has several anti oxidents and vitamin E,Olive heals the damaged layers by sealing the cuticle with moisture .it also protects the hair from further damage 
  1. Apply warm olive oil on your scalp and hair shafts. Massage gently for a few minutes, and then cover your hair with a warm towel then Leave it on for minimum 30 minutes or overnight.shampoo and condition your hair.repeat this for few days until you get healthy hair
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 table spoons of olive oil with 3 egg whites into bowl and mix thoroughly and apply to your hair and keep your hair covered with plastic wrap and rinse with shampoo 

Aloe Vera

  1. Apply some aloe Vera juice directly on your damaged hair. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash with warm water repeat this for 2 times a week.

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