Healthy and Glowing skin

For Glowing and healthy skin need to cleanse our skin from inner and outer both, for outer Skin cleansing, we do CTM and use face mask & pack as per our Skin. Some Beauty foods are specially brings glow and make our Skin healthy. Beauty foods have some contains to keep Skin healthy so here we are discussing how these foods play a vital role in our beauty.

Dark Chocolates
Good news for chocolate lovers, dark chocolate has approx 60 % of cocoa contains which stands your Glowing look; also in research we get that Flavonols found in dark chocolate prevent wrinkle, sun damage and keeps the Skin hydrated and healthy. Just because Flavonols is good source of anti-oxidants will protect your Skin from sun tan and it increase blood flow, so naturally you will get glowing, Pinkish Skin. We already know that dark chocolate is also mood enhancer now it’s a healthy snacks idea to get glowing and healthy skin.

Salmon is rich source of Omega – 3 fatty acid which produce soft, supple Skin and keep it moisturize. It has excellent protein power so maintain the skin tone and heal the damage cells. Huge source of Vitamin D which makes our bones healthy. It also reduces blemishes and dark spots from your Skin. Ultimately For, Glowing and radiance appearance we need to consume Salmon.

One bowl of Yogurt is complete package of Zinc, lactic acid, Calcium and Vitamin B. it facilitates to have in breakfast and as well snacks also. Zinc is an anti-inflammatory which can fight to your acne and can easily remove dark patches and rashes. While lactic acid which is in yogurt cleanse and exfoliate your Skin and maintain as smooth, supple and glowing Skin and keep it  moisturize . As we know calcium is key ingredients of yogurt which helps in Skin regenerate and remove dead cell. Contains of multiple kind of Vitamin B (B2,B5,B12) in yogurt keeps your Skin hydrate which results in glowing skin, it also produce some healthy layers, So for youthful and glowing skin enjoy the bowl of yogurt.
Almond is very healthy and memory booster snacks heard from decades. Vitamin E and anti-oxidants are main contains in almond which nourishes our skin make it smooth, moisturized and repair damage cells. You can Consume Almond as snacks and also in milk at night as almond milk. Regular use of sweet almond oil can reduce dark circle from under eyes if you regular massage your face with sweet almond oil will keep your skin hydrated shiny and glowing. It’s an anti-aging and anti-oxidants also so get rid of dry, dull and tan skin & use almond in your diet plan and have a fabulous glowing beauty.

Carrot has great source of Beta- carotene which converted into Vitamin A that is essential part of our healthy life and glowing beauty, it is also anti-oxidants which flushes our toxin from body and turn into fresh and glowing skin, repair the skin cells damaged by Ultra violate rays by consume carrot as well as apply carrot face mask also. it can eaten raw as carrot salad, carrot juice and also after cook. So start eating carrot everyday and blush to look your glowing, spotless beauty.

Pomegranate is very popular as beauty food; Contains of Vitamin C makes Pomegranate as anti-oxidants. Very important thing that is pomegranate contains rich source of omega 5 fatty acid which facilitates skin cell repair and regenerate, apart from that Vitamin A, C, K and minerals are  good contains in pomegranate. You can eat pomegranate seeds as snacks and as well drink 1 glass of juice, it removes skin scars, prevent anti-aging also maintain the skin texture and give you a glowing and fair skin tone.

Strawberries are just yummy and healthy food as well. Strawberry contains high source of Vitamin C, Flavanoids and anti-oxidants too, which flush out toxin from your body reduce acne & blemish to keep skin glowing. It has more than Vitamin C Comparatively to oranges. It’s a very good skin cleanser and exfoliates too. Apply it as mask and get rid of acne, dead and dull skin, damaged cells by ultra violet rays and enjoy Fair, healthy and glowing skin. You can consume strawberry as in salads, shakes and as you loved to have it ,don’t think much enjoy strawberry as you want and get your youthful and radiance beauty.

Sweet Potato
Sweet potato has amazing skin benefits; we never imagined like that, if you want to full your plates with rich Beta – carotene, Potassium, fiber and calcium with many more than have sweet potato it is the super food which has the same; yes of course. Boil for consume it and can refrigerate it for the next snacks. It has maximum health and skin benefits. It fights to free radicals which are caused of anti-aging. Sweet potato gives you amazing health and beauty benefits as well results in fair and glowing skin with better skin tone.

Papaya is one of the favorite and beauty enhancer foods; it’s a huge source of Vitamin A which removes dead cells from your skin if you eat regularly one bowl of papaya then acne and blemishes will be out and results in spotless,fair and glowing skin. Best part of papaya is low sodium quality because skin keeps hydrates so you will glow a lots. You can use papaya as your face mask too, to get rid of tan, dead cells, and blemishes. Mix drop of honey and milk into mashed papaya and apply over skin. It gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin to get fair and glowing skin.

Banana is rich source of potassium, iron and magnesium and Vitamin C as well. So it really helps to protect your skin from drying and work as gentle moisturizer. It helps to restore the skin natural moisturizing contains and increase the skin elasticity. You can consume banana as interval snacks also it will keep you full and boost your energy level too ,So it’s a great combination to enhance your beauty and health. To get rid of dry skin mix few drops of honey in mashed banana and apply for 15 min. on your face wash with lukewarm water then get the Healthy , fair and glowing skin by this beauty food.

Green Tea
Green tea has lots of health and beauty benefits. Regular use of green tea helps in weight loss, boost your immune system and flush out toxin. It works amazingly in our body and skin cleansing, if we talk about skin benefits it brings the glow on your face because its anti-oxidant property, it fights to free radical for anti aging and sun damage cells. So you will get naturally healthy, fair and glowing skin. Enjoy a cup of Green tea.

Drinking Water
Water is most essential part of our diet and healthy lifestyle. It keeps us hydrated and makes our hair and skin glow ever & ever. We should drink at least 8-10 glass of water in a day. It is easiest and simplest method to enhance your beauty and boost up your stamina. Without any cost, effort and Extra calorie you are getting glowing skin only by water. Pure and fresh drinking Water boost up our metabolism provides energy to body & brain and maintain the body temperature as well. Very necessary element for digestive system and flush out the toxin. For best result consume warm water with lemon juice and honey in the early morning in empty stomach and see the results as fresh, healthy body and skin too. Start your day with water and keep your skin fair and glowing by inner and external too.
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