Face pack with Tomatos

Tomatoes are also useful for removing sun tan, because it has anti-oxidants property, minerals, and vitamins that help in making the skin look healthy. For removing the tan, you can make a mask by mixing tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and some oatmeal. Remove it after 5-10 minutes for glowing skin.

Face pack with tomatoes:

  1. Take 2 spoons of tomato juice and 3 table spoons of buttermilk, mix thoroughly and apply it to your face and it for 30 min after that rinse with cold water you can see bright and glowing skin
  2. Take 1 tomato half cucumber 2 tablespoons of oatmealpowder1tablespoon of mint paste

First remove the seeds from a ripe healthy tomato and make a paste and then take 4-5 slices of cucumber and make a fine paste.
Mix 2 teaspoons of tomato paste ,1 teaspoon of cucumber paste 2 teaspoons of oatmeal powder and 1 teaspoon of mint leaves paste. Apply it all over your face and leave on for 15 minutes and wash away with Luke warm water

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